Alocasia baginda dragon scale variegated baginda 🌱
- Genusalocasia baginda dragon scale variegated
- Speciesbaginda
- Trade nameAlocasia baginda dragon scale variegated baginda
- VariegationYes
- Imported (90 days)No
- Plant TypePlant
- RootedYes Terrestrial Roots
- Shipping toWorldwide
- LocationFort Lauderdale, FL
About this Alocasia baginda dragon scale variegated baginda 🌱
*High Variegated Alocasia Dragon Scale***EXACT PLANT*** Shipping UPS ground 3-5 days.***YOU MUST SEND PICTURE UPON RECEIPT IF PLANT IS DEAD ON ARRIVAL** Otherwise Absolutely no refunds or credit**** **We guarantee that your plant(s) will be shipped…
Root Images
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Alocasia baginda dragon scale variegated baginda 🌱
Alocasia baginda dragon scale variegated baginda 🌱
- Genusalocasia baginda dragon scale variegated
- Speciesbaginda
- Trade nameAlocasia baginda dragon scale variegated baginda
- VariegationYes
- Imported (90 days)No
- Plant TypePlant
- RootedYes Terrestrial Roots
- Shipping toWorldwide
- LocationFort Lauderdale, FL
About this Alocasia baginda dragon scale variegated baginda 🌱
*High Variegated Alocasia Dragon Scale***EXACT PLANT*** Shipping UPS ground 3-5 days.***YOU MUST SEND PICTURE UPON RECEIPT IF PLANT IS DEAD ON ARRIVAL** Otherwise Absolutely no refunds or credit**** **We guarantee that your plant(s) will be shipped…