Alocasia dragon scale 🌱
- GenusAlocasia
- Speciesdragon scale
- VariegationNo
- Imported (90 days)No
- Plant TypePlant
- RootedYes Terrestrial Roots
- Shipping toWorldwide
- LocationSan Tan Valley, AZ
About this Alocasia dragon scale 🌱
Growers choice, You are guaranteed a healthy rooted cutting upon arrival. If there are any rot concerns upon delivery, send a picture within 24hrs after delivery. After that No Refunds, Replacements or Exchanges will be offered.
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Alocasia dragon scale 🌱
Alocasia dragon scale 🌱
- GenusAlocasia
- Speciesdragon scale
- VariegationNo
- Imported (90 days)No
- Plant TypePlant
- RootedYes Terrestrial Roots
- Shipping toWorldwide
- LocationSan Tan Valley, AZ
About this Alocasia dragon scale 🌱
Growers choice, You are guaranteed a healthy rooted cutting upon arrival. If there are any rot concerns upon delivery, send a picture within 24hrs after delivery. After that No Refunds, Replacements or Exchanges will be offered.