Anthurium black velvet eastern panama 🌱
- GenusAnthurium
- Speciesblack velvet eastern panama
- VariegationNo
- Imported (90 days)No
- Plant TypePlant
- RootedYes Terrestrial Roots
- Shipping toWorldwide
- LocationSan Antonio, TX
About this Anthurium black velvet eastern panama 🌱
Please be aware that this is a live plant that will be traveling in a box, which can cause some cosmetic damage on the plant upon delivery. I will pack with the utmost care. I will not be held responsible for damages caused during shipping, delays,…
Root Images
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Anthurium black velvet eastern panama 🌱
Anthurium black velvet eastern panama 🌱
- GenusAnthurium
- Speciesblack velvet eastern panama
- VariegationNo
- Imported (90 days)No
- Plant TypePlant
- RootedYes Terrestrial Roots
- Shipping toWorldwide
- LocationSan Antonio, TX
About this Anthurium black velvet eastern panama 🌱
Please be aware that this is a live plant that will be traveling in a box, which can cause some cosmetic damage on the plant upon delivery. I will pack with the utmost care. I will not be held responsible for damages caused during shipping, delays,…