Anthurium papillilaminum RA 5x 🌱
- GenusAnthurium
- Speciespapillilaminum RA 5x
- Trade namepapillilaminum RA 5x
- VariegationNo
- Imported (90 days)No
- Plant Typecutting
- RootedYes Terrestrial Roots
- Shipping toWorldwide
- LocationFayetteville, GA
About this Anthurium papillilaminum RA 5x 🌱
Bred by Scott, the mother is RA 5, the father is unknown but most def a pap. Plants has DEEP dark foliage, magnificent ripples, and prominent overlapping lobes. This is a division of my mother plant which is included in the pictures.
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Anthurium papillilaminum RA 5x 🌱
Anthurium papillilaminum RA 5x 🌱
- GenusAnthurium
- Speciespapillilaminum RA 5x
- Trade namepapillilaminum RA 5x
- VariegationNo
- Imported (90 days)No
- Plant Typecutting
- RootedYes Terrestrial Roots
- Shipping toWorldwide
- LocationFayetteville, GA
About this Anthurium papillilaminum RA 5x 🌱
Bred by Scott, the mother is RA 5, the father is unknown but most def a pap. Plants has DEEP dark foliage, magnificent ripples, and prominent overlapping lobes. This is a division of my mother plant which is included in the pictures.