Epipremnum marble 3” Epipremnum 🌱
- Genusepipremnum marble 3”
- SpeciesEpipremnum
- Trade nameEpipremnum
- VariegationYes
- Imported (90 days)No
- Plant TypePlant
- RootedNo
- Shipping toWorldwide
- LocationOrlando, FL
About this Epipremnum marble 3” Epipremnum 🌱
- This is a healthy established plant. This plant will be shipped with pot from Florida. - Please contact me if you prefer your order one day in specific. - Please be aware that shipping can be stressful for plants, yellowing or dropping of leaves…
Seller reviews •
Epipremnum marble 3” Epipremnum 🌱
Epipremnum marble 3” Epipremnum 🌱
- Genusepipremnum marble 3”
- SpeciesEpipremnum
- Trade nameEpipremnum
- VariegationYes
- Imported (90 days)No
- Plant TypePlant
- RootedNo
- Shipping toWorldwide
- LocationOrlando, FL
About this Epipremnum marble 3” Epipremnum 🌱
- This is a healthy established plant. This plant will be shipped with pot from Florida. - Please contact me if you prefer your order one day in specific. - Please be aware that shipping can be stressful for plants, yellowing or dropping of leaves…