Musa florida variegated banana 🌱
- Genusmusa
- Speciesflorida variegated banana
- Trade nameflorida variegated banana x24b *high color mutation*
- VariegationYes
- Imported (90 days)No
- Plant TypePlant
- RootedYes Terrestrial Roots
- Shipping toWorldwide
- LocationDetroit, MI
About this Musa florida variegated banana 🌱
You will receive the EXACT plant in the photos DISCLAIMER: leaves prone to browning due to high level of variegation Exact Plant Info Pot size: 4.5 in diameter Soil media: aroid soil mix (perlite, soil, bark) Plant size: Height: 14.5 in (with…
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Musa florida variegated banana 🌱
Musa florida variegated banana 🌱
- Genusmusa
- Speciesflorida variegated banana
- Trade nameflorida variegated banana x24b *high color mutation*
- VariegationYes
- Imported (90 days)No
- Plant TypePlant
- RootedYes Terrestrial Roots
- Shipping toWorldwide
- LocationDetroit, MI
About this Musa florida variegated banana 🌱
You will receive the EXACT plant in the photos DISCLAIMER: leaves prone to browning due to high level of variegation Exact Plant Info Pot size: 4.5 in diameter Soil media: aroid soil mix (perlite, soil, bark) Plant size: Height: 14.5 in (with…