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Philo Felix 🌱

What is PlantPay⚡️? PlantPay⚡️ is the quickest way to invoice and pay for plant sales if you use Facebook, Instagram or any other platform! Access MonsteraX's exclusive 1 day ship rates (as low as $29.99) and be protected by our safety features. In over 2,000 transactions, less than 1% dispute rate. It's free to sign up to MonsteraX and anyone can access PlantPay⚡️ in the Sell tab of the app, available on the Apple's App & Google Play Store.PlantPay
  • GenusPhilo, Skg, Tall, Mystery...

This listing includes also :

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TALL B x Besseae Aff 🌱

Mystery Plant 🌱

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Crystal Hope x Aos 🌱

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