Philodendron Majestic (verrucosum x sodiroi) 🌱
- GenusPhilodendron
- SpeciesMajestic (verrucosum x sodiroi)
- Trade nameMajestic (verrucosum x sodiroi)
- VariegationNo
- Imported (90 days)No
- Plant TypePlant
- RootedYes Terrestrial Roots
- Shipping toWorldwide
- LocationCarlton, OR
About this Philodendron Majestic (verrucosum x sodiroi) 🌱
This listing is for a MASSIVE P. Majestic specimen was grown from a cutting off my 6 foot tall mother plant. Majestic has always been one of my favorite Philos, and is a cross of Verrucosum x Sodiroi. Plants available are HUGE and a great buy for…
Root Images
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Philodendron Majestic (verrucosum x sodiroi) 🌱
Philodendron Majestic (verrucosum x sodiroi) 🌱
- GenusPhilodendron
- SpeciesMajestic (verrucosum x sodiroi)
- Trade nameMajestic (verrucosum x sodiroi)
- VariegationNo
- Imported (90 days)No
- Plant TypePlant
- RootedYes Terrestrial Roots
- Shipping toWorldwide
- LocationCarlton, OR
About this Philodendron Majestic (verrucosum x sodiroi) 🌱
This listing is for a MASSIVE P. Majestic specimen was grown from a cutting off my 6 foot tall mother plant. Majestic has always been one of my favorite Philos, and is a cross of Verrucosum x Sodiroi. Plants available are HUGE and a great buy for…