per unit

Philodendron thaumatophyllum williamsii 🌱

  • GenusPhilodendron
  • Speciesthaumatophyllum williamsii
  • Trade namewilliamsii
  • VariegationYes
  • Imported (90 days)No
  • Plant TypePlant
  • RootedYes Terrestrial Roots
  • Shipping toWorldwide
  • LocationAtlanta, GA
Atlanta, GA

About this Philodendron thaumatophyllum williamsii 🌱

Super rare - XXL Variegated Williamsii. This plant is fully rooted. It was an import (approximately 6 months ago) and some of the yellow variegation on a few of leaves was damaged during shipping and acclimation. However​,​ it does have very nice…

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