Scindapsus marahuyo 🌱
- GenusScindapsus
- Speciesmarahuyo
- VariegationYes
- Imported (90 days)No
- Plant TypePlant
- RootedYes Terrestrial Roots
- Shipping toWorldwide
- LocationAustin, TX
About this Scindapsus marahuyo 🌱
The Scindapsus ‘Marahuyo' is a variegated scindapsus pictus species that is endemic to the Philippines. This captivating scindapsus is named “Marahuyo” as it means “a state of enchantment or attraction”. This is a new cultivar, and has never been…
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Scindapsus marahuyo 🌱
Scindapsus marahuyo 🌱
- GenusScindapsus
- Speciesmarahuyo
- VariegationYes
- Imported (90 days)No
- Plant TypePlant
- RootedYes Terrestrial Roots
- Shipping toWorldwide
- LocationAustin, TX
About this Scindapsus marahuyo 🌱
The Scindapsus ‘Marahuyo' is a variegated scindapsus pictus species that is endemic to the Philippines. This captivating scindapsus is named “Marahuyo” as it means “a state of enchantment or attraction”. This is a new cultivar, and has never been…